No. 22, 2002
Decided: January 31, 2002
Board Case No. 52, 2000
Unpublished Opinion is below.
IN THE MATTER OF A MEMBER OF THE BAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF DELAWARE: KURT J. DOELZE No. 22, 2002 Supreme Court of the State of Delaware. Decided: January 31, 2002
Board Case No. 52, 2000
Before VEASEY, Chief Justice, BERGER, and STEELE, Justices.
This 31st day of January 2002, the Board on Professional Responsibility filed a report with this Court on January 14, 2002, pursuant to Rule 9(d) of the Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Disciplinary Procedure. The respondent and the Office of Disciplinary Counsel have waived their right to file objections to the Board's report.
The Court has reviewed the matter in accordance to Rule 9(e) and has determined that the Board's report and recommendation should be accepted.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, that the Board's report filed on January 14, 2002 (copy attached) is hereby APPROVED. The Court hereby imposes a public reprimand in this matter. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is directed to file within 10 days of the date of this Order the costs of the disciplinary proceedings.
Thereafter, the respondent is directed to have all costs paid within 30 days. The matter is hereby CLOSED.