Administrative Order No. 2011-60
June 8, 2011.
Pursuant to Rule 32(e) of the Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court shall appoint at-large members to serve on the Board of Governors for terms of three years. Therefore,
IT IS ORDERED that the following individuals are appointed to serve on the Board of Governors for terms beginning July 1, 2011 and ending as designed below:
Virginia Herrera-Gonzales Arizona Attorney General's Office (Reappointment) Term Expires: June 30, 2014
David K. Byers Administrative Director Administrative Office of the Courts Arizona Supreme Court (Reappointment) Term Expires: June 30, 2014
Note: When the Administrative Director is unable to attend, the Deputy Director, Mike Baumstark, shall serve in his place.
Jennifer Burns Public Member (Reappointment) Term Expires: June 30, 2014
Dated this 8th day of June 2011