No. 10-11667.
January 25, 2011
For the reasons and under the terms stated on the record on January 25, 2011, Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of Judgment or for Other Sanctions Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 37(b)(2) [Doc. #17] is DENIED.
However, treating this motion as one to compel further discovery, Defendants shall produce to Plaintiff, within 14 days of the date of this Order, all documentation supporting claimed damages, as requested in Plaintiff's interrogatories #10 and #15. If Defendants are unable to produce this supporting documentation, they shall so certify, in writing and under oath, setting forth the efforts taken to obtain the information and the reasons such information cannot be produced. Further, if Defendants do not produce this documentation within 14 days of the date of this Order, they shall be precluded from using any such unproduced documentation in any future proceeding in this litigation, including dispositive motion practice and trial.
Date: January 25, 2011