Dudley A. Witt, Laurie A. Schlossberg, Winston-Salem, for Marcus Brothers Textiles.
Hada V. Haulsee, John J. Bowers, Winston-Salem, Steven M. Witzel, New York, NY, Thomas D. Myrick, Corby Anderson, Charlotte, James G. Exum, Jr., Greensboro, for Price Waterhouse et al.
L.P. McLendon, Jr., James T. Williams, Jr., Jennifer L. Bolick, Greensboro, for American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Motion by Defendant (Pricewaterhouse) for Leave to File Record of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District N.C. has been filed and the following order entered:
"Motion Denied by order of the Court in conference this the 28th day of January 1999."