CASE NO. 8:16-cv-00346 JLS (KESx)
GRAHAM C. MACROBIE, a natural person, Plaintiff, v. ANDREW A. HIGGS, a natural person; LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP, a limited liability partnership; FELICIA R. MEYERS, a natural person; MEYER, OLSON, LOWY & MEYERS, LLP, a limited liability partnership; and DOES 1 -100, inclusive, Defendants.
[Assigned to: Hon. Josephine L. Staton, Courtroom 10A] [Referred to Magistrate Judge Karen E. Scott, Courtroom 6D]
Pursuant to the Court's order dated June 9, 2016, all claims having been adjudicated in favor of Defendants,
It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that this Final Judgment of Dismissal with prejudice is entered in favor of Defendants ANDREW A. HIGGS, LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP, FELICIA R. MEYERS, and MEYER, OLSON, LOWY & MEYERS, LLP and against plaintiff GRAHAM C. MACROBIE. Plaintiff GRAHAM C. MACROBIE shall take nothing by way of his complaint against Defendants. DATED: July 26, 2016
Hon. Josephine L. Staton,
United States District Judge