Macomb County Prosecutor v. Macomb County Executive
Michael J. Riordan Presiding Judge, Jane E. Markey, Thomas C. Cameron Judges
The motion to show cause why defendant the Macomb County Executive should not be held in civil contempt is DENIED. Notably, plaintiff did not attach any affidavit or any supporting evidence to his show cause motion. See MCR 3.606(A) and MCL 600.1711. Also, the materials before this Court do not support that a hearing is necessary at this time to determine whether defendants have clearly and unequivocally committed contempt. See MCL 600.1711 and Cassidy v Cassidy, 318 Mich.App. 463, 504; 899 N.W.2d 65 (2017). We therefore decline to exercise our discretionary authority to issue a show cause order regarding contempt. See Ferranti v Electrical Resources Co, 330 Mich App 439, 443; 948 N.W.2d 596 (2019).