Civil Action No. 12-cv-01136-RBJ
Courtroom Deputy: Laura Galera
Court Reporter: Gwen Daniel
Parties: Counsel:
Cara Burns
Hearing on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order
8:14 a.m. Court in session.
Appearances of counsel.
Argument By Ms. Burns As To The Ex Parte Application For: A Temporary Restraining Order; A Seizure Order; And An Order To Show Cause Regarding Why A Preliminary Injunction And Seizure Order Should Not Issue Doc.# [3].
For the reasons and findings as stated on the record, it is;
ORDERED: The Ex Parte Application For: A Temporary Restraining Order; A Seizure Order; And An Order To Show Cause Regarding Why A Preliminary Injunction And Seizure Order Should Not Issue Doc.# [3] is GRANTED.
ORDERED: A Show Cause Hearing is set May 18, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. before the Honorable
Judge R. Brooke Jackson in Courtroom A-902, Ninth Floor, Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse, 901 19th Street, Denver, Colorado 80294.
ORDERED: Court sets the bond at $1,000.
ORDERED: Plaintiff to provide the Court with an Order with all of the applicable information and dates as stated on the record.
8:33 a.m. Court in recess.
Hearing concluded.
Total time: 00:19