NO. CIV. S-06-2042 LKK/GGH.
September 9, 2011
LAWRENCE KARLTON, Senior District Judge
Pursuant to the court's May 22, 2008 Order of Reference, the Special Master has submitted for payment a bill for services provided through the month of August, 2011. Good cause appearing, it is ORDERED that:
1. The Clerk is directed to pay to:
Collaboration Specialists
39 Allyn Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960
the amount of $18,079.26 in accordance with the attached statement; and
2. A copy of this order shall be served on the financial department of this court.
DATED: September 8, 2011.
The Special Master hereby submits her statement for fees and disbursements for the period of August 1 through 31, 2011. $ 6,049.15 $ 12,030.11 $18,079.26
Virginia Morrison, Special Master Services $ 5,733.00 Disbursements $ 316.15 Total amount due Patricia Gray, Deputy Special Master Services $11,927.50 Disbursements $ 102.61 Total amount due TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED Receipts for justification of reported expenditures are available upon request. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Virginia L. Morrison Virginia L. Morrison Special Master September 7, 2011 L.H. L.H. Please make out the check to Collaboration Specialists, tax ID #51-0433003 $ 18,079.26 OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL MASTER TO: Ms. Leslie Medina, Financial Administrator /S/ Virginia L. Morrison FROM: Virginia L. Morrison, Special Master, Date: September 7, 2011 RE: Reimbursement for fees and disbursements expended during the period ending August 31, 2011 , and mail it to: Virginia L. Morrison Collaboration Specialists 39 Allyn Ave. San Anselmo, CA 94960 Amount to be reimbursed: Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 415-640-0279 or . Thank you for your kind assistance. Collaboration Specialists
Services rendered by Virginia Morrison Tax #: 51-0433003
Fees for August 2011 Farrell $ 5,733 Disbursements/Expenses for August 2011 Date Activity Amount $ 316.15 Total Fees and Expenses: $6,049.15 8/1/11 Review and respond to email communication; review JSTS 1.0 8/2/11 Review email communication; observe notice of rights service at LACJ; telephone 3.4 1.9 conferences w/defendants; review JSTS; travel from Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo 8/3/11 Observe proceedings at CMC-West; review JSTS; review and respond to email 4.2 2.0 communication; telephone conferences w/defendants; return travel from San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles 8/4/11 Observe notice of rights service at LACJ; review and respond to email 2.5 communication; review documents 8/6/11 Review and analyze JSTS material; email communication w/plaintiffs and CalPAP 2.75 8/8/11 Review email communication; telephone conference w/all parties re: realignment; 0.6 telephone conference w/CalPAP re: disputed items 8/11/11 Telephone conference w/P. Gray 0.8 8/12/11 Review documents 0.4 8/16/11 Travel between San Anselmo and San Bruno; observe proceedings at San Francisco 1.8 5.5 County Jail; telephone conferences w/defendants and Special Master; review and analyze documents; email communication w/parties 8/17/11 Telephone conference w/CalPAP; travel between San Anselmo and San Francisco; 2.3 1.8 conference w/plaintiffs re: disputed items 8/18/11 Review and analyze documents; email communication w/parties 1.5 8/19/11 Review documents 0.3 8/22/11 Review and analyze documents 0.5 8/23/11 Review and respond to email communication 0.2 8/24/11 Review and respond to email communication; review self-monitoring report 0.3 8/25/11 Review and respond to email communication; review and analyze documents 0.75 8/26/11 Review documents 0.1 8/29/11 Telephone conference and email communication w/plaintiffs; review and analyze 0.5 documents Total ............................................................................... 23.4 × $200/hour = $4,680 11.7 × $90/hour = $1,053 8/2/11 Parking during LACJ visit 8.00 8/3/11 Rental car gas during CMC visit 40.13 8/3/11 Meals during CMC visit 50.72 8/3/11 Hotel during CMC visit 140.30 8/16/11 Mileage and tolls for round-trip travel between San Anselmo and San 36.60 Bruno (60 miles @ 51 cents per mile) 8/17/11 Mileage and tolls for round-trip travel between San Anselmo and San 26.40 Francisco (40 miles @ 51 cents per mile) 8/17/11 Parking for San Francisco meetings 14.00 Total ........................................................................ Patricia A. Gray, Esq. Just Resolutions, LLC Deputy Special Master, L. H. v. Brown, et al. 7925 St. Helena Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 539-2825 Telephone (707) 889-4066 Cellular (707) 539-2845 Facsimile ~ L. H. et al. v. Brown, et al. No. CV 02042 LKK/GGH September 7, 2011 Hon. Patricia A. Gray, (Ret.), JD, MA Just Resolutions Group LLC
Invoice for August 1 — 31, 2011 Tax ID # 554-74-5342 Date Activity Time/Hours th th Totals 360.00 $11,927.50 8/01/2011 Draft Standard and Criteria status email to parties. .5 8/2/2011 Monitor Not-In-Custody Revocation hearing 2.2 Interview with attorney and parole officer Review orders and packet Round trip travel to Sonoma County Juvenile Detention Facility .50* Review documents and prepare for telephone conference .90 Draft and Review email correspondence 8/3/2011 Telephone conference with plaintiff re Standards and Criteria 7.3 Monitor recorded revocation hearings, record data Review revised draft of Standards and Criteria Stipulation 8/4/2011 Review Open Case summary report and spreadsheet .30 8/8/2011 DJPO/DAPO merger conference call 5.90 Monitor recorded revocation hearings, record data Draft and review email correspondence 8/9/2011 Monitor hearing at Sonoma County Jail 2.25 Round trip travel to county jail in Santa Rosa .75* Review and consider Standards and Criteria agreements and 1.90 Plaintiff's draft edits; review and draft email response 8/10/2011 Review file and Board Orders in re: 8/9/2011 hearing; 1.10 Review and consider email communication 8/11/2011 Met w/DJJ staff-counsel re: Standards and Criteria .90 Memo to file and discussion with Special Master 8/12/2011 Monitor Not-In-Custody Revocation hearing 2.5 Round trip travel from Santa Rosa to Oakland 2.75* 8/14/2011 Monitor recorded revocation hearings, record data 5.2 8/16/2011 Email correspondence re: Standards and Criteria status .25 Review and respond to email 8/18/2011 Review documents and respond to email communication .40 8/19/2011 Consider written reports, monthly document production 1.1 Integrate concerns in 7 report summaries 8/20/2011 Review and consider monitoring data 2.1 8/22/2011 Review and archive monitoring reports .90 Prepare monitoring data summary 8/23/2011 Prepare parolee data summary; review packet and orders 1.50 8/24/2011 Draft summary reports and organize data 3.6 Email communication with OSM Review Standards Criteria draft stipulation 8/25/2011 Review and consider draft Standard and Criteria Stipulation .30 8/26/2011 Draft summary reports and organize data 7.3 Review documents and email communication Monitor taped hearings 8/27/2011 Draft summary reports and organize data 5. Integrate into 7 report summaries 8/29/2011 Draft summary reports and organize data 6. 8/30/2011 Prepare parolee data summary; review packet and orders 6.7 Consulting Hours 66.10 @ $175.00/hour $11,567.50 Travel Time: 4.00 @ $90.00/hour *Denotes travel time at lower rate Costs $78.64 $102.61 August 2011 — Fees Costs $12,030.11 et al. v. Brown Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Court and the Office of the Special Master 8/2/2011 Round trip travel to Sonoma County Juvenile Detention Facility $12.95 in Santa Rosa (25.4 miles @ .51¢ per mile) 8/9/2011 Round trip travel to Sonoma County jail in Santa Rosa $11.02 (21.60 miles @ 51¢ per mile) 8/12/2011 Round trip travel between Santa Rosa and Oakland (154.20 miles @.51¢ per mile) Respectfully Submitted, Hon. Patricia A. Gray (Ret.), JD, MA Deputy Special Master L.H.