JOHN A. MENDEZ, District Judge.
Pursuant to the court's May 22, 2008 Order of Reference, the Special Master has submitted for payment a bill for services provided through the month of June, 2012. Good cause appearing, it is ORDERED that:
1. The Clerk is directed to pay to:
the amount of $15, 075.86 in accordance with the attached statement; and
2. A copy of this order shall be served on the financial department of this court.
The Special Master hereby submits her statement for fees and disbursements for the period of June 1 through 30, 2012.
Virginia Morrison, Special Master Services $ 7, 017 Disbursements $ 59.06 Total amount due $ 7, 076.06 Christine Toombs, Deputy Special Master Services $ 7, 919.50 Disbursements $ 80.30 Total amount due $ 7, 999.80 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED $ 15, 075.86
Receipts for justification of reported expenditures are available upon request.
L.H. L.H.Please make out the check to Collaboration Specialists, tax ID #XX-XXXXXXX, and mail it to:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 415-640-0279 or gmorrison@collaboration-specialists.com. Thank you for your kind assistance.