JOEL LAZARO, an individual; and ROSEMARIE LAZARO, an individual, Plaintiff, v. SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC, a limited liability corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Defendants.
Sarah Shapero (Bar No. 281748) Brooke Brewer (Bar No. 352036) SHAPERO LAW FIRM, PC Attorney for Plaintiffs, JOEL LAZARO ROSEMARIE LAZARO
Sarah Shapero (Bar No. 281748) Brooke Brewer (Bar No. 352036) SHAPERO LAW FIRM, PC Attorney for Plaintiffs, JOEL LAZARO ROSEMARIE LAZARO
Percy Anderson, United States District Court Judge
Based on the Joint Stipulation of the parties, and good cause appearing therefor, IT IS ORDERED that this case is dismissed with prejudice.