No. B297857.
DANIEL LARSEN, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. CALIFORNIA VICTIM COMPENSATION BOARD, Defendant and Respondent.
[Modification of opinion (64 Cal.App.5th 112; ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___).]
THE COURT.—IT IS ORDERED that the opinion filed on May 11, 2021, be modified as follows:
On page 18 [64 Cal.App.5th 124, advance report, 1st full par., last line], the following citation is added after the footnote reference number in line 5: "(§ 1485.55, subd. (a); see also § 4902, subd. (a).)"
On page 35 [64 Cal.App.5th 135, 1st partial par., lines 5-6], "The key reckoning with Schlup in Souliotes instead comes in a single sentence and citation" is revised to read "The key reckoning with Schlup in Souliotes instead comes in two sentences and a single citation"
There is no change in judgment.