Civil Action No. 10-cv-02868-MSK-KMT
Magistrate Judge Kathleen M. Tafoya
FTR - Courtroom C-201
Deputy Clerk, Nick Richards
Benjamin G. Chew
Thomas Francis Daley
Daniel Edward Johnson
Jennette C. Roberts
Court in session: 1:29 p.m.
Court calls case. Appearances of counsel. Ms. Joni White is present with defense counsel.
Motion Hearing is called regarding Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel the Deposition of Defendant Susan Rettig [Doc. No. 221, filed April 2, 2012] and Defendants' Emergency Motion for Protective Order Regarding Deposition of Defendant Susan Rettig and Request for Consolidated Hearing [Doc. No. 226, filed April 2, 2012].
Oral argument by plaintiff.
Oral argument by defendant.
It is ORDERED: Plaintiff's Emergency Motion to Compel [221] is GRANTED IN PART. The deposition of Ms. Rettig will proceed as scheduled on April 18, 2012. Plaintiff's counsel will produce either an imaged copy of the hard-drive of Ms. Rettig OR, by electronic mail, a complete data log with information pertaining to system meta data, deleted data, file structures, user data, log-in information, and access of any person or user to any data from the computer Ms. Rettig used while employed by L-3 Communications Corporation. The data in question will range from 2007 to the date the hard-drive was seized from Ms. Rettig. Plaintiff's counsel shall make every effort to produce either the imaged hard-drive or the data log to defense counsel by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on April 13, 2012.
It is ORDERED: Defendants' Emergency Motion for Protective Order [226] is DENIED as stated on the record and the deposition of Ms. Rettig will proceed as scheduled.
Court in Recess: 3:12 p.m.
Hearing concluded.
Total In-Court Time 01:43
*To obtain a transcript of this proceeding, please contact Avery Woods Reporting at (303) 825-6119.