Case No. 2:06-CV-00295-LKK-EFB.
November 3, 2010
CABLE LAW OFFICES, KEITH D. CABLE (Bar No. 170055), Folsom, CA.
DE LA O, MARKO, MAGOLNICK LEYTON, DANIEL L. LEYTON (FL Bar No. 0061824), CHARLES D. FERGUSON (FL Bar No. 0741531), Miami, FL, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, EDWARD L. KEMPER, CONNIE J. ARNOLD.
DOWNEY BRAND LLP, DANIEL J. MCVEIGH (Bar No. 77410), ELIZABETH B. STALLARD (Bar No. 221445), Sacramento, CA, Attorneys for Defendant, CATHOLIC HEALTHCARE WEST.
Edward L. Kemper and Connie J. Arnold (the "Named Plaintiffs"), acting on behalf of a nationwide class of disabled persons (the "Class"), as defined in the Court's October 2, 2006, Order Granting Class Certification (the "Certification Order"), and Defendant, Catholic Healthcare West ("CHW"), hereby enter into the following Facility Consent Decree (the "Facility Consent Decree") as to the Chandler Regional Medical Center.
On May 19, 2006, the Named Plaintiffs — both of whom have disabilities as defined by 42 U.S.C. § 12102(2) — filed a proposed class action captioned Edward L. Kemper and Connie J. Arnold, for themselves and all others similarly situated v. Catholic Healthcare West, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division, Case No. 2:06-CV-00295-LKK-PAN (JFM), alleging inaccessible architectural barriers at CHW hospital campuses. CHW owns and/or operates more than forty (40) hospitals and other health care facilities in Arizona, California, and Nevada, including, e.g., acute care hospitals, outpatient care facilities, freestanding surgery and diagnostic centers, behavioral health hospitals, clinics, medical office buildings, and long term care and skilled nursing facilities.
On October 2, 2006, the Court entered the Certification Order, certifying the Class as follows:
All people in the United States with disabilities as that term has been defined by 42 U.S.C. § 12102(2) — including those persons that have a physical mobility impairment that substantially limits a major life function — who have and who were, prior to the filing of the Class Action Complaint through the pendency of this action, denied the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, programs, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any of CHW's Facilities, because of their respective disabilities.
The Certification Order also certified counsel for the Named Plaintiffs as counsel for the Class ("Class Counsel"). The Named Plaintiffs and the Class are collectively referred to herein as "Plaintiffs." CHW and CHW Affiliates are collectively referred to herein as the "CHW Group." The CHW Group and Plaintiffs are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties," and individually herein as a "Party."
On or about March 17, 2009, the Court approved the Class Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree ("Consent Decree") entered into by the Parties.
On or about October 15, 2009, the Court approved the Stipulation Regarding Agreed Upon Tolerances and Procedures ("Tolerance Stipulation") entered into by the Parties.
In accordance with Sections 13 and 14 of the Consent Decree, the Parties conducted a Facility Site Inspection of the Chandler Regional Medical Center facility in order to evaluate physical, communication, and operational accommodations for persons with disabilities. This Facility Consent Decree incorporates the Facility Modification Plan created as a result of that Facility Site Inspection.
The Parties now, therefore, in accordance with paragraph 14.4 of the Consent Decree, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, agree to the following terms and conditions as full and complete settlement of the action as to the Chandler Regional Medical Center.
1. Definitions. et seq., 29 U.S.C. §§ 701 et seq.; 54 et seq.; Facilities Subject to Agreement. Conditions. 23 Nonadmission/Nondetermination. No Third Party Beneficiaries/Plaintiffs' Right to Enforce. Exclusivity of this Facility Consent Decree. Term. Entire Facility Consent Decree.
In addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Consent Decree, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below. Any terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the ADA and in its implementing regulations. 1.1. "ADA" means the Americans With Disabilities Act, as contained in 42 U.S.C. Section 12101, and its implementing regulations. 1.2. "Class Members" means members of the Class. 1.3. "Consent Decree" means the Class Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree, approved by the Court on or about March 17, 2009, including any attached exhibits as of the date of its approval or attached in the future in accordance with paragraph 16.1. 1.4. "Disability Laws" means: (1) the ADA; (2) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, , (3) the California Disabled Persons Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ (4) any other provision of California law to the extent it grants a right of action for alleged violations of the foregoing; (5) any state or local law, statute, administrative rule, regulatory or code provision that either directly incorporates Title III of the ADA or any of its implementing regulations, or sets forth standards or requirements that are equivalent to Title III of the ADA or any of its implementing regulations; and (6) any other federal, state, local, or administrative statute, rule, or regulation relating to access for the disabled or prohibiting public accommodations from discriminating on the basis of disability. 1.5. "Facility" or "Facilities" means public accommodations owned and/or operated by the CHW Group which are identified in Exhibit A to the Consent Decree or in supplements to Exhibit A. A Facility includes all areas open to and available for use by the public, including, but not limited to, the parking spaces and sidewalks that serve these areas, so long as the CHW Group has a legal right of alteration or control over these areas. In the case of an acute care hospital, Facility includes all buildings related to the hospital's function, or otherwise located contiguous with or adjacent to the hospital, sharing parking lots or garages or other common areas; such groups of buildings and common areas may be referred to as a "Hospital Facility Campus." 1.6. "Facility Consent Decree" means a judgment approved by the Court regarding a Facility Modification Plan. 1.7. "Facility Modification Plan" means a plan developed by the Parties identifying the barriers to be removed and/or other modifications to be made pursuant to Disability Laws for a Facility. 1.8. "Facility Site Inspection" is an initial inspection to identify potential barriers, and the needed barrier removal or other modifications necessary to make a Facility compliant with Disability Laws. 1.9. "Medical Equipment" means equipment that assists in providing disabled patients access to diagnostic and treatment services (including examination tables, examination chairs, and lifts), scales, and patient beds. 1.10. "Noncompliance" means that more than five percent (5%) of all applicable line items identified in an approved Facility Consent Decree have not been completed adequately, after applying all acceptable dimensional tolerances, construction tolerances, acceptable variations, and equivalent facilitations cited in the Facility Consent Decree. 1.11. "Post Compliance Inspection" means a survey conducted by Plaintiffs, through their Expert(s), to determine whether Noncompliance exists at a Settlement Corrected Facility. 1.12. A "Settlement Corrected Facility" is a Facility that has completed barrier removal or other modifications pursuant to an approved Facility Consent Decree. 1.13. A "Settlement Corrected Facility Order" is a Court order determining that the CHW Group's obligations with respect to a Settlement Corrected Facility have been fulfilled, in accordance with the procedures described in paragraph 19 of the Consent Decree. 2. CHW owns and/or operates the following property, which is a Facility in this litigation covered by the Consent Decree: (1) Chandler Regional Medical Center, 475 South Dobson Road, Chandler, AZ 85224. (2) Morrison Building, 1875 West Frye Road, Chandler, AZ 85224. (3) Diabetes Center — Medical Office Building, 485 South Dobson Road, Suite 203, Chandler, AZ 85224. 3. 3.1 This Facility Consent Decree is effective only upon approval by the Court in accordance with Fed.R.Civ.P. (e) and entry of judgment in accordance with the terms of the Consent Decree and this Facility Consent Decree. 3.2 This Facility Consent Decree incorporates a Facility Modification Plan respecting the Plaintiffs and the Chandler Regional Medical Center, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Consent Decree and this Facility Consent Decree, CHW will cause the physical, communications and operational alterations and modifications described in the Facility Modification Plan to be made, with respect to the Facility commonly known as the Chandler Regional Medical Center, in order to bring about the removal of physical and other barriers and thus allows disabled persons the full enjoyment of the goods and services provided by the Chandler Regional Medical Center. 4. 4.1. This document constitutes a settlement agreement pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 408. Entering into this Facility Consent Decree does not constitute an admission by the CHW Group, express or implied, that the CHW Group has in any way violated any Disability Laws. This Facility Consent Decree, does not contain, and will not be interpreted or construed as containing, any such admission. 4.2. The Court has made no findings concerning the alleged violations of any Disability Laws. Accordingly, this Facility Consent Decree does not constitute, and will not be used in this or any other case or action, as evidence of any such violation of any Disability Laws. If for any reason this Facility Consent Decree is not executed, no evidence of this proposed Facility Consent Decree will be admissible for any purpose in this or any other action. 5. For purposes of interpreting or enforcing this Facility Consent Decree, individual Class Members shall not be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries. Individual unnamed Class Members may not bring any action for any alleged violation of this Facility Consent Decree. Only the Named Plaintiffs and Class Counsel have the authority to bring an action to enforce this Facility Consent Decree. 6. 6.1 Plaintiffs, either individually or collectively, may not now, or at any time in the future, maintain any legal action contending that the Facility addressed by this Facility Consent Decree is required, under the legal theories asserted in this action, to make additional or different modifications beyond those agreed to pursuant to this Facility Consent Decree. 6.2 If any conflicts exist or are perceived between the Consent Decree, this Facility Consent Decree, and the Facility Modification Plan incorporated herein, the Facility Modification Plan will govern only with regard to the physical, communications and operational modifications and alterations to be implemented by CHW respecting the Chandler Regional Medical Center. For all other such conflicts between the Consent Decree, this Facility Consent Decree, and the Facility Modification Plan incorporated herein, the Consent Decree will govern the Facility Consent Decree, and both in conjunction (as so construed) will govern the Facility Modification Plan. 7. This Facility Consent Decree shall have a term ("Term") that expires when the Court enters a Settlement Corrected Facility Order with regard to the Facility addressed herein. 8. This Facility Consent Decree, including the Facility Modification Plan incorporated within it, constitutes the complete understanding between the Parties as to this Facility, may not be changed orally, and supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings between the Parties as to this Facility. Each Party acknowledges that no other Party, nor any representative of a Party, has made any representations or promises other than as set forth herein. No other promises, agreements, or modifications to this Facility Consent Decree shall be binding unless in writing and signed by all Parties. The Parties further agree that if any term of this Facility Consent Decree is held to be void, voidable, unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining portion of the Facility Consent Decree shall remain in full force and effect.