CASE NO.: CV12-10459 GAF(FFMx)
[Assigned to U. S. District Judge
Gary A. Feess]
After reviewing Plaintiff's Motion for Default Judgment against Defendant Patriot Imaging Corporation on August 14, 2013, JUDGMENT IS ENTERED IN FAVOR OF PLAINTIFF as follows:
The following relief is warranted: an injunction against Defendant and its officers, representatives, agents, servants, and all parties in privity with Defendant, enjoining them from:
1. Committing any further acts of trademark infringement against Plaintiff;
2. Using any term that is likely to be confused with the Patriot Imaging tradename;
3. Representing directly or indirectly in any product is associated with or approved by Plaintiff, when in fact it is not; and
4. Passing off or inducing or enabling other to sell or pass off any non-Patriot Imaging products or services as a Plaintiff's product or service or as a product or service endorsed by Plaintiff.
5. That Plaintiff is awarded $450.00 in costs.
By: ____________
Honorable Gary A. Fees
U.S. District Court Judge