11 Civ. 4302 (NRB)
November 29, 2011.
Ozzie Johnson, Plaintiff
Suzanna Publicker, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Attorney for Defendants
WHEREAS the complaint in this action was filed on June 1, 2 011; and
WHEREAS the Court on July 17, 2011 ordered plaintiff to file an amended complaint within thirty days of receiving the identities of the John Doe defendants from the New York City Corporation Counsel;
WHEREAS the New York City Corporation Counsel provided those identities by letter dated September 12, 2011; and
WHEREAS more than thirty days have elapsed since September 12, 2 011; and
WHEREAS plaintiff has not served any defendants with the complaint within 120 days of its filing, as required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4 (m), and has not complied with the Court's order to file an amended complaint; it is hereby
ORDERED that the complaint is dismissed without prejudice.