March 16, 2006
By action of this court en banc, Iowa Court Rule 22.29 is amended, effective immediately, as shown in attached exhibit. "A."
Rule 22.29 Marriage fees received by a judicial officer. 22.29(1) A judge or magistrate may charge a fee for officiating and making return for each marriage solemnized at a time other than regular judicial working hours and at a place other than a court facility. This fee shall not exceed the sum of$100 $200 22.29(2) A judge or magistrate may charge the parties to the marriage for expenses incurred in solemnizing the marriage. In no event shall the expenses charged exceed the maximum amounts set by rules 22.16 through 22.21.
22.29(3) The phrase "regular judicial working hours," for purposes of this rule, shall mean 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (except for legal holidays) for all judicial officers except magistrates, and for them the schedule fixed by the chief judge of the judicial district.