Administrative Order No. 2011-10
January 13, 2011
Affecting Administrative Order No. 2010-117.
On November 17, 2010, this Court entered Administrative Order No. 2010-117 requiring all attorneys to e-file post-initiation civil case documents through AZTurboCourt when filing into the Superior Court in Maricopa County. A phased-in implementation schedule of attorney compliance was included in that Order. Additionally, a User Fee Schedule, necessary to support the electronic filing and document access services offered by AZTurboCourt, was authorized and included in Appendix A of that Order.
This Court is aware that some indigent litigants qualify for free legal assistance in civil matters that is provided by non-profit legal services organizations that have been approved pursuant to the provision of Rule 38, Rules of the Supreme Court. In these civil cases, the litigants or the legal services organizations may not have the financial means to pay the user fees required when e-filing using AZTurboCourt. Therefore,
IT IS ORDERED that any attorney, when working as an employee of an approved legal service organization and representing litigants who are unable to pay the user fee for filing a documents in a civil case using AZTurboCourt, are exempt from the mandatory e-filing requirement of Administrative Order No. 2010-117 and may file documents either on paper or, at the option of the attorney and after paying applicable user fees, using AZTurboCourt.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Administrative Office of the Courts shall provide the Presiding Superior Court Judge and the Clerk of the Superior Court in Maricopa County a list of legal services organizations that have been approved pursuant to the provision of Rule 38 and shall provide an updated list as organizations are added or removed from the list.