Nos. 02 Civ. 3288 (DLC), 02 Civ. 4816 (DLC).
September 6, 2005
Dear Judge Cote:
On behalf of defendant Scott D. Sullivan, we write to request that counsel for Mr. Sullivan be excused from attending the Final Approval Hearings for the settlements in the above-referenced actions on September 9, 2005 and November 11, 2005, respectively.
As the Court is aware, Mr. Sullivan has forfeited virtually all of his assets in settlement of these actions. Continuing to fund legal expenses for these civil actions is no longer feasible. Since the issues likely to be raised can be fully addressed by class counsel, and given the Court's preliminary approval of the settlement, the absence of Mr. Sullivan's counsel should cause no delay in the proceedings. We therefore respectfully request that counsel for Mr. Sullivan be excused from attending the hearings.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.