1:97CR05253-01 OWW.
December 1, 2005
The purpose of this report is to advise the Court of an alleged violation of the terms of supervision. The Probation Officer has developed a plan to dispose of the alleged non-compliance with action less than revocation, and the Court is requested to approve the plan to address the non-compliance.
ILLICIT DRUG USE (DATES) — THC/Marijuana (09/05/2005, 09/19/2005, 09/27/2005, 10/03/2005, 10/17/05)
Details of alleged non-compliance: The defendant admitted to using marijuana during the month of September 2005.
United States Probation Officer Plan/Justification: Despite the defendant's recent drug use, he appears to be making progress in his drug and alcohol therapy. Since suffering a relapse, the defendant has participated in increased drug testing, counseling, and additional AA/NA groups. Further, he has remained drug-free for approximately one month and continues to maintain a stable residence and employment. Based on the defendant's positive progress in his drug and alcohol counseling, the undersigned officer recommends that no adverse action be taken at this time and that the Court allow the defendant to continue on supervision. He has been noticed that further violations will result in a possible revocation of his supervised release.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Scott J. Waters
Scott J. Waters
Senior United States Probation Officer Telephone: (559) 498-7268
The Court Approves Probation Officer's Plan, and Orders No Further Action Be Taken At This Time.Submit a Request for Modifying the Conditions or Term of Supervision.
Submit a Request for Warrant or Summons.Other: