Misc. No. 99-197 (TFH), MDL No. 1285
October 22, 2002
Arnold Porter, Bruce L. Montgomery, Esquire, Washington, D.C., On behalf all Defendants trying their cases in Washington, D.C.
Dickstein Shapiro Morin Oshinsky LLP, Richard J. Leveridge, Esquire, Washington, D.C., On behalf of all Plaintiffs trying their cases in Washington, D.C.
The parties in the captioned litigation who will be trying their cases in Washington, D.C. stipulate as follows:
• The parties will serve each other with close to final lists of summary exhibits along with drafts of those summary exhibits to be used in any trial presentation by a summary witness by January 10, 2003, along with drafts of those summary exhibits and a list of bates numbers or other identifiers (separately identified by summary exhibit) for each of the documents underlying the summary exhibit. To the extent that an underlying document has not been previously provided, it will be provided in hard copy or electronic form.
• Summary witness(es) shall be made available for deposition in Washington, D.C. on dates mutually agreed, during the period January 22-24, 2003.
• Motions in limine directed solely to the summary exhibits or the testimony of summary witnesses will be served and filed on February 3, 2003 and opposition briefs will be served and filed on February 14, 2003.
• Nothing in this Stipulation will change any of the other milestones set forth in the Court's Orders of September 10, 2002 and September 23, 2002 (as modified in Court on October 16, 2002), and it is specifically agreed and understood that this stipulation does not relate to summary exhibits to be used by fact or expert witnesses who have been previously deposed or to demonstrative exhibits, the time frames for which are set forth in the Court's September 10, 2002 Order.