Delivered July 8, 1991
On June 15, 1991, the House of Delegates to the Arkansas Bar Association approved the proposed Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct prepared by the Committee on the Model Code of Judicial Conduct of the Arkansas Bar Association. This court will now consider adopting the proposed Code. In the meantime, copies of the proposed Code may be inspected at the Office of the Clerk, Arkansas Supreme Court, Justice Building, 625 Marshall Street, Little Rock, Arkansas.
We would appreciate comments by interested persons on the proposed Arkansas Code. Such comments should be addressed to the Administrative Office of the Courts, Justice Building, 625 Marshall Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1078, Attn: Ms. Kay McClanahan.
The present Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct may be found at 295 Ark. 707, 749 S.W.2d LXV (1988).