Motion No: M-789A
In the Matter of Julia Swanson, a suspended attorney
The motion for reciprocal discipline is denied, an order of this Court (M-51) having been entered on February 19, 2010, granting respondent's motion for leave to resign and removing her name from the roll of attorney's and counselors-at-law effective the date thereof. The order of this Court entered on April 25, 2019 [M-789] and the Opinion Per Curiam filed therewith, are recalled and vacated. The order of this Court entered on October 21, 2010 [M-3067.1145], inter alia, suspending respondent from practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law in the State of New York, effective immediately, and until the further order of this Court, for failure to comply with Judiciary Law § 468-a, is recalled and vacated, and the Opinion Per Curiam filed therewith is hereby amended to vacate so much thereof as pertains to the above-named respondent, nunc pro tunc to October 21, 2010. No opinion. All concur.
Before: Friedman, J.P., Gische, Kapnick, Webber, Gesmer, JJ.