Opinion Delivered December 14, 2006
Win A. Trafford, Esquire, of Pine Bluff (Panel A, attorney member from the Fourth Congressional District), Valerie L. Kelly, Esquire, of Jacksonville ( Panel B, At-Large attorney member), and Kenneth R. Mourton, Esquire, of Fayetteville (Panel C, attorney member from the Third Congressional District) currently serve on the Professional Conduct Committee. Their terms expire on December 31, 2006. Each member is eligible for reappointment to a full term on the Committee and has expressed a willingness to continue to serve on this important Court Committee. Mr. Trafford, Ms. Kelly and Mr. Mourton are hereby reappointed, effective January 1, 2007, to a six year term in their respective current positions on the Committee, with the new term of each member to expire on December 31, 2012.
The Court expresses its gratitude to Mr. Trafford, Ms. Kelly, and Mr. Mourton for their dedicated and faithful service to the Committee, and their willingness to continue in this service.