Delivered April 22, 1999
The Honorable Kim Smith of Fayetteville, Donis Hamilton, Esq., of Paragould, Paul Rainwater, Esq., of Crossett, and Thomas Ray, Esq., of Little Rock, are hereby appointed to the Committee on Model Jury Instructions — Civil for three-year terms to expire on April 30, 2002.
The Court extends its thanks to Judge Smith, Messrs. Hamilton, Rainwater, and Ray for accepting appointment to this most important Committee.
The Court expresses its appreciation to Judge David Bogard of Little Rock, Robert L. Jones, Esq., of Fort Smith, Phillip Carroll, Esq., of Little Rock, and David Blair, Esq., of Batesville, whose terms have expired, for their service as members of this Committee.
Peter Kumpe, a current member of the Committee, is hereby designated to serve as the Chairman of the Committee.