Delivered January 14, 2002
The amended Procedures Regulating Professional Conduct of Attorneys at Law ("Procedures") became effective January 1, 2002. See In Re Amendments to the Procedures Regulating Professional Conduct of Attorneys at Law, (July 9, 2001). At that time the Committee on Professional Conduct was expanded from seven to fourteen voting members, in two hearing panels (Panel A and Panel B), and a new group of seven "reserve" members (Panel C) was added. Member terms are reduced from seven to six years under the amended Procedures, and necessary adjustments have been made here. The following appointments are made, commencing January 1, 2002, to the expanded Committee, with the terms indicated for each.
Committee Panel A:
Member: Position: Term expires: Dr. Patricia Youngdahl Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2002 Little Rock Richard A. Reid Attorney — 1st C.D. 12-31-2003 Blytheville Ken R. Reeves Attorney — 3rd C.D. 12-31-2004 Harrison Bart F. Virden Attorney — 2nd C.D. 12-31-2005 Morrilton Win A. Trafford Attorney — 4th C.D. 12-31-2006 Pine Bluff Gwendolyn D. Hodge Attorney — At Large 12-31-2007 Little Rock Helen Herr Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2007 Little Rock Committee Panel B: John L. Rush Attorney — 4th C.D. 12-31-2002 Pine Bluff J. Michael Cogbill Attorney — 3rd C.D. 12-31-2003 Fort Smith Rita M. Harvey Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2004 Little Rock Richard F. Hatfield Attorney — 2nd C.D. 12-31-2005 Little Rock Vacancy (to be filled) Attorney At Large 12-31-2006 Harry Truman Moore Attorney — 1st C.D. 12-31-2007 Paragould Dr. Rose Marie Word Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2007 Pine Bluff Committee Reserve — Panel C: Searcy W. Harrell, Jr. Attorney — 4th C.D. 12-31-2002 Camden Sylvia Orton Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2003 Little Rock Robert D. Trammell Attorney — 2nd C.D. 12-31-2004 Little Rock David Newbern Attorney At Large 12-31-2005 Little Rock Kenneth R. Mourton Attorney — 3rd C.D. 12-31-2006 Fayetteville Beverly Morrow Non-Attorney At Large 12-31-2007 Pine Bluff Phillip D. Hout Attorney — 1st C.D. 12-31-2007 Newport
For their willingness to serve in this most important Court activity, the Court expresses its appreciation to the present members of the Committee on Professional Conduct and the Alternate Committee on Professional Conduct, and to the new members of the Reserve Panel of the Committee.
The Court expresses its appreciation to Jacqueline Johnston-Cravens for her service on the former Alternate Committee until her resignation in November 2001.