Case No. 1:01-CV-9000, (MDL Docket No. 1401)
February 1, 2002
On December 20, 2001, this Court entered an Order enjoining the prosecution of certain claims and proceedings ("Injunction Order"). The Court also ordered that the Injunction Order "shall remain in force until 8:00 a.m. EST, February 1, 2002, unless otherwise agreed to" by certain
individuals and ordered by the Court. Pursuant to agreement and for good cause shown, the Court now MODIFIES the Injunction Order as follows:
1. the Injunction Order shall remain in force until 10:00 a.m. EST, February 2, 2002, unless otherwise agreed to by the individuals named in the Injunction Order and ordered by the Court, except to the extent noted in paragraph two, below; and
2. the Injunction Order shall no longer prohibit the prosecution of any claim or action or legal proceeding against Sulzer, AG.
All other provisions of the Injunction Order remain unchanged.