NO. 72 P.S. § 1792-A
The Honorable Ronald D. Castille Chief Justice of Pennsylvania Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 1818 Market Street, Suite 3730 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Dear Chief Justice Castille:
By Order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dated October 21, 2010 and docketed at No. 347 Judicial Administration Docket, the Court appointed me the Special Master to implement and administer the Special Juvenile Victim Compensation Fund ("the Fund"), 72 P.S. §1792-A.
I am writing now to advise the Court that I have completed my duties implementing and administering the Fund. Specifically, the following action was taken:
1. Early in 2011, I took data provided by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts regarding those victims of juvenile crime in Luzerne County who were owed restitution and culled from this list approximately 180 victims who appeared eligible to receive compensation from the Fund.
2. In mid-March 2011, with substantial assistance from personnel from the Luzerne County District Attorney's Office, I sent out an informational letter and a Restitution Application to each of the approximately 180 victims who appeared eligible to receive compensation from the Fund. Among other things, the informational letter advised the victims there would be two public help sessions ~ on Tuesday, March 29th and Thursday, April 21st -- held at the Luzerne County Courthouse to answer questions and assist victims in completing their Restitution Applications.
3. On March 22, 2011,1 participated in a press conference in Wilkes-Barre with the Luzerne County District Attorney to publicize the Fund, the application process to receive compensation, and the help sessions on March 29th and April 21st.
4 In mid-April, 2011, staff from the Victims' Unit of Luzerne County District Attorney's Office began trying to find current addresses for those victims whose envelopes containing the informational letter and Restitution Application had been
returned by the Post Office as "undeliverable". Staff from the Victims' Unit also began contacting victims whose completed Restitution Applications had problems or omissions.
5. In May, 2011, staff from the Victims' Unit of Luzerne County District Attorney's Office began re-sending the informational letter and Restitution Application to those victims who had not responded to the first mailing.
6. On June 21, 2011, I issued "Determination No. 1" in accordance with the provisions of 72 P.S. § 1792-A, approving compensation awards from the Fund for eighty-four (84) victims of juvenile crime in Luzerne County.
7. On June 24, 2011, I issued "Determination No. 2" in accordance with the provisions of 72 P.S. § 1792-A, approving compensation awards from the Fund for twenty-one (21) victims of juvenile crime in Luzerne County.
8. On June 29, 2011, I issued "Determination No. 3" in accordance with the provisions of 72 P.S. § 1792-A, approving compensation awards from the Fund for three (3) victims of juvenile crime in Luzerne County.
9. With the very able and accommodating assistance of Edward Katz, Manager of the Victims Compensation Assistance Program under the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, along with his staff, the compensation awards approved by me were promptly processed and requests for payment to the victims were submitted to the State Treasurer.
10. On July 1, 2011, pursuant to 72 P.S. § 1792-A(d)(2)(vi), I notified the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency by letter that all written determinations as described in 72 P.S. § 1792-A(d)(2)(iv) had been issued, in order that they could process the payments.
My ability to fulfill my duties would not have been possible without the diligence and capable assistance of my law clerk, William A. Ehrlich, Esquire. I am glad I was able to be of service in administering the Special Juvenile Victim Compensation Fund.
Very truly yours,
Arthur E. Grim
Special Master
Enclosures: Determinations 1, 2, and 3