In re Michael J. Smith (P36706)
Michael J. Riordan Anica Letica Judges
On February 21, 2024, this Court entered an order in Sarah Jean Woodman v Matthew Scott Woodman, Docket, No. 369110, assessing costs against attorney Michael J. Smith (P36706). The costs have not been paid as ordered.
The failure or refusal to pay these assessed costs having resulted in the issuance of this order to show cause, the Court orders that Michael J. Smith pay to the Clerk of this Court additional costs in the sum of $100.
No later than 14 days from the date of this order, Michael J. Smith shall: 1. pay to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals the total assessed costs of $350 owing in this file, or 2. show cause in writing why he should not be held in contempt of this Court for failure to comply with the Court's order.
If Michael J. Smith fails to pay the total costs owing and fails to show cause in writing within 14 days of the Clerk's certification of this order, this Court may issue an order barring him from any further filings or appearances in this Court until the costs have been paid in full.