237 C.D. 2023
In re: Petitions to Open Ballot Box Pursuant to 25 P.S. §3261(A) and for a Correct Count of the General Election Appeal of: Steven C. Dawson, Larry Aitken, Daniel G. Berrien, Candace Chrystel Biafore, Jessica D. Briggs, Carole Browne, Patrice Bumba, Christine Callaghan, Barbara Canete, Sharon Clancy, James J. Del Rio, Jr., Elizabeth Diehl, Lorraine Doan, Lindsay Emigh, William Patrick Everett, Joseph Favoroso, Rosalie Flemke, Debra Frei, Frances Grous, Warren H. Harner, Jr., Christine I. Heitman, Timothy Hellings, Stephanie Inselberg, Laura M. Mack, Martha McDonald, Joe Mitchener, Erika Montero, Patricia H. Murray, Mary Josephine O'Connor, Karin Lee Rohrer, Robert Ruidiger, Melissa Smith, Natalie Smith, Khristi L. Stoll, Marla R. Stoll, Audrey Strein, Todd Walbridge, Peter David Yodis, Lori Zaro, Christina Cook, Maria Bates, Joseph Farrell, Nicholas Grauber, Max Lihui Jin, Sharon Walbridge, Roland A. Flemke, Michelle Pezzeca, Klaus Heitman, Joseph McGinty, Kevin Hirst, Mary Ann Hirst, Sharon Brooks, Therese Marshall, Brian Land, Avery Strein, William A. Capaldi, Glenn T. Garwood, Beth Roth, John Smith, Rebecca J. Belmont, Carolyn Dominski Everett, Joseph Montero, Noah Montero, Shane L. Fogleman, Sara I. Hunt, Laurie Katz, Leeann Levin, Fred Allen Miller, Marilyn L. Miller, Allison M. Beard, Nancy Kathleen Cuozzo, Andrea Carr, Rosemary B. Carr, Christopher Domanico, Keun Su Lee, John P. Brown, Robert J. Secor, Linda Ann Haywood, Kim D. Starkey, Shannon Okane Harris, Michael Leigh Moffs Walson, Joseph M. Priest, Margo K. Priest, Harry Payne Martin, Nancy Tegano, Susan W. Oliver, Leslie Mae Yodis, Tracy W. Bailey, James Lowell Mack, Laura Kate Tressler, Timothy Tressler, John A. Lang, Allison E. Zimmer, Barbara Vees, Anthony Wilwert, Steen Matusz, Christopher Zaro, Brad Frapwell, Brooke Frapwell, Robert Rosarto, Deborah Tyrrell, Richard Kuzman, Mary Walchonski, Brendan Gorman, Mary Elizabeth Gorman, Patricia Nolan, Charles Russo, Linda Ziff, Robert Ziff, Vickie Lupisella, and Ellen Messing