September 27, 2005
Sheldon H Weisberg, Chairperson, Committee to Study Public Access to Electronic Ct Records.
Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Jefferson Street Office David K Byers, Administrative Director, Administrative Office of the Courts.
Dennis Metrick, Director, Maricopa County Justice Court Services Michael K Jeanes, Clerk, Maricopa County Superior Court, Central Court Building.
Denise I Lundin, Clerk, Cochise County Superior Court P Michael Drake, Pima County Bar Association.
On June 6, 2005, this court adopted the amendments proposed in the Petition to Amend Rule 123, Rules of the Supreme Court, as modified, to be effective on December 1, 2005. It has since come to the attention of the Court that a working group convened to plan implementation and education for the proposal has encountered serious problems. Therefore,
IT IS ORDERED vacating the Court's order dated June 6, 2005, amending Rule 123, Rules of the Supreme Court, Rule 5(f), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, and Rule 1.8, Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. Although the Court approves of the concept as set forth in the petition and the previously adopted amendments, it is necessary to postpone the effective date of December 1, 2005, to permit efficient and effective implementation of the provisions therein.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Administrative Office of the Courts, working with court administrators and clerks of court, shall continue to work on finding solutions for the problems encountered, and that such group shall report to the court on its progress on or before June 1, 2006.