Docket No. Bar-16-16
Petition of Shawn R. Megathlin for Reinstatement to the Bar Bar# 007272
ORDER of REINSTATEMENT M. Bar R. 4(i) & 29
Shawn R. Megathlin has petitioned for reinstatement to the Bar of the State of Maine. The Court has been notified that upon review of that petition and related attachments, Bar Counsel has elected to stipulate to Mr. Megathlin's reinstatement pursuant to M. Bar R. 29(f)(1), subject to the Court's approval, The Court has reviewed Mr. Megathlin's petition for reinstatement and determines that the petition is in order and may be granted without a hearing.
Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED as follows:
Effective on the date of this Order, Shawn R. Megathlin, Bar# 007272, is hereby reinstated to the Bar of the State of Maine with all the rights and responsibilities hereto. Dated: August 2, 2016
For the Court.
Thomas E. Humphrey, Associate Justice
Maine Supreme Judicial Court