In re Paris Academy
LC No. 18-036807-PR
Michelle M. Rick Presiding Judge Michael F. Gadola Allie Greenleaf Maldonado Judges
The motion to dismiss this appeal for lack of jurisdiction is GRANTED. The October 27, 2022 circuit court order appealed from is not a final order appealable of right. MCR 7.202(6)(a); MCR 7.203(A)(1). Particularly, that order does not terminate the receivership in this matter as asserted by appellant where it plainly provides for appellee receiver to file an application for final fees and costs and his final receiver report and only subsequent to that for the circuit court to possibly discharge the receiver and thereby terminate the receivership. Dismissal is without prejudice to the proper filing of a delayed application for leave to appeal the October 27, 2022 order under MCR 7.205(A)(4)(b). Further, this order is without prejudice to the ability of appellant to timely file a claim of appeal after entry of a final order under MCR 7.202(6)(a)(i) in this case.