MOTION NO. (397/23) CA 22-00577
In the MATTER OF the Intermediate Accounting of MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF the ROBERT S. BASSETT TRUST NUMBER 7 OF 1974, for the Period Covering September 7, 1983 to October 18, 2013, Petitioner-Respondent; In the Matter of the Intermediate Accounting of Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, as Trustee of the Robert S. Bassett Trust Number 7 of 1974, for the Period Covering October 19, 2013 to May 15, 2017, Petitioner-Respondent; Sue M. Williams, Daniel H. Williams, IV, Jennifer B. Williams, Amelia J. Williams, a Minor by and Through Her Natural Father and Guardian Daniel H. Williams, IV, Broderick D. Williams, a Minor by and Through His Natural Father and Guardian Daniel H. Williams, IV, and Joseph H. Chapman, a Minor by and Through His Natural Mother and Guardian, Jennifer B. Williams, Objectants-Appellants.
Motion for reargument or leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals denied.