Cause number: 01-14-00041-CV
In the Interest of L.K.C., K.D.B. and C.Y.S., Children
Date motion filed*: March 24, 2014 Type of motion: Motion for extension of time to file brief Party filing motion: Appellant Document to be filed: Appellant's brief If motion to extend time:
Original due date: March 25, 2014
Number of prior extensions: 0 Current Due date: March 25, 2014
Date Requested: April 21, 2014
Ordered that motion is:
[ ] GrantedJudge's signature: Chief Justice Sherry Radack
If document is to be filed, document due:[v] Denied
[ ] The Court will not grant additional motions to extend time
[ ] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
Appellant's motion is denied. Unless appellant's brief is filed within 10 days of the date of this order, we may abate the case for a hearing in accordance with Rule 38.8 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure.
[×] Acting individually [ ] Acting for the Court
Panel consists of November 7, 2008 Revision