RE: Lawyer Mentoring Program and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Donald W. Beatty C.J.
By order dated April 29, 2020, this Court suspended various requirements of the mandatory mentoring program for new lawyers set forth in Rule 425 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules (SCACR). Now that the risk posed by COVID-19 is significantly reduced, we hereby rescind the April 29, 2020 order and reinstate all mentoring requirements for new lawyers under Rule 425, SCACR.
All qualifying lawyers admitted prior to the date of this order who have not yet completed the mandatory mentoring program based on this Court's April 29, 2020 order must complete the mandatory mentoring program under Rule 425, SCACR, by December 31, 2023. Qualifying lawyers admitted on or after the date of this order shall follow the completion schedule set forth in Rule 425, SCACR.
John W. Kittredge J., Kaye G. Hearn J., John Cannon Few J., George C. James, Jr. J.