Docket No. 99-025.
Filed March 23, 1999.
Appeal from Original Jurisdiction Judicial Conduct Board, Docket No. 98.011.
Upon recommendation of the Judicial Conduct Board and no appeal having been filed, the recommendation of the Judicial Conduct Board filed on January 14, 1999, is approved and District Judge Ronald F. Kilburn is hereby publicly reprimanded for violating Canon 3B(7) by improperly considering ex parte communications. Rules of Supreme Court for Disciplinary Control of Judges, Rule 11.
BY THE COURT: _______________________________________ Jeffrey L. Amestoy, Chief Justice
_______________________________________ John A. Dooley, Associate Justice
_______________________________________ James L. Morse, Associate Justice
_______________________________________ Denise R. Johnson, Associate Justice
_______________________________________ Marilyn S. Skoglund, Associate Justice