In re Petition of Kalamazoo County Treasurer for Foreclosure
LC No. 2020-000188-CZ
Elizabeth L. Gleicher, Chief Judge, acting under MCR 7.203(F)(1), orders:
This claim of appeal is DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction because the September 28, 2022 postjudgment "order denying the motion of claimant Christina Holdeman" is not a final order appealable by right. MCR 7.203(A)(1); MCR 7.202(6)(a). The February 8,2021 judgment of foreclosure was the first order that disposed of all claims in the petition and adjudicated the rights and liabilities of the parties. MCR 7.202(6)(a)(i). The fact that the September 28, 2022 order states that it "is a final order with respect to the parties, subject matter, and real property addressed herein" is not controlling for purposes of this Court's jurisdiction. Faircloth v Family Independence Agency, 232 Mich.App. 391,400; 591 N.W.2d 314 (1998). Dismissal is without prejudice to whatever other relief may be available consistent with the court rules.