NO. SCMF-12-0000538
The applicants listed below are hereby notified that each has passed the July 2013 Hawai'i examination for admission to the Bar of the State of Hawai'i, as required by Rule 1.3(g)(1) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Hawai'i (RSCH):
Joshua Paul Acosta | Andrew David Chianese |
Tristan Scott Demei Andres | Jennifer Fui-Tynn Chin |
Alisa Monique Auzenne | Kaiwi Nickolas Kim Chon Ching |
Stacey Mei Sen Baba | Sara Ekmejian Goes |
Rachel Anna Baker | Kevin Shawn Conlogue |
Rajappan Balagopal | Benjamin Maxwell Creps |
Rechelle Anna Midori Barbour | Robert Isaac Curtis |
Britani Anne Barker Pittullo | Jamie Porter deVries |
William K. Ewaliko Belcher | Zachary Michael Dilonno |
Raoqionq Bennett | Dennis Minh Do |
Daniel Alfred Berger | Kiko Preston Doi |
Justin Adam Brackett | Chrystn Kekealani Alston Eads |
Mark Alan Bridges | Christopher J Eggert |
Thomas Anthony Brill | Lisa Anne Evans |
Reiko Ann Bryant | Megan Marie Fellows |
Mateo Caballero | Kalikoonalani Diara Fernandes |
Anthony Michael Can | Amanda Joyce Finlay |
Natalia Tsz-Wing Chan | Erin Lea Fleming |
Cheryl Antoinette Kana Fraine | Andrea Sue Wah Maglasang-Miller |
Jessica Rose Freedman | Avery Christian Matro |
Dylan Gentaro Fujitani | Tiara Sinoveti Maumau |
Jamie Mariko Fukumoto | Karen Ann McCarthy |
Suzanne Marie Furgeson | Scott William Mead |
Susanna Fyfe | Bennett Sur Miller |
Voltaire Alconcel Gansit | Danille Anderson Minayoshi |
Kathryn Kimberly Gassaway | Nan Donnell Mooney |
Randolph Rubens Goldman | Michelle Kiyomi Moorhead |
Caycie Kahiau Gusman | Regina Anne LoChoa Mormad |
Sabrina Marie Gustafson | Lucas Joseph Myers |
Nicholas Lucien Hahn | Sarah Cochran Myers |
Catherine Lynn McClellan Hall | Ainoa Alexander Naniole |
Nathan Hunter Hall | Jamil Dwight Newirth |
Sasha Aiko Hamada | Adrianna Dominika Nycz |
Lee Douglas Hambly | Christopher Douglas No'eau Oakes |
Jennifer Jaekyong Han | Annie J Okazaki |
Nathan Alexander Hartman | Jeremy Christian Sadatoshi Patton |
Jeremy Keala Hicks David James Hoftiezer | Thumaily Dinh Phan Maxx Elizabeth Phillips |
Kristin Liisa Holland | Noah Shaw Phillips |
Scottlynn J Hubbard IV | Christopher Russell Piekarski |
Isaac Hans Kenneth Ickes | Jennifer Margret Porter |
Bianca Kai Isaki | Jane Slocum Preece |
Spencer Lloyd Jim On | Christine Jennifer Ramelb |
Lea Kaipoleimanu Kaawaloa | John Francis Renner |
Lauren Hideko Tomatani Kalaukoa | Alexandra Rodu Rosenblatt |
Myron Masao Kamihara | Sidney Stillerman Royer |
Kauilehuamelemele Kauhane | Duane Jared Sablan |
Samuel Wilder King II | David Masatoshi Saiki |
Laura Jean Knudsen | Stacy Chargualaf Salas |
Naomi Miyoko Kusachi | Rommel Villanueva San Pedro |
Elaine Lee Kwak | John Lee Schroedel |
Jeffrey Dale Larson | Peter David Scott |
Andrew Yin Chung Lee | Wayne Miguel Hikaru Scott |
Christen Yumiko Lee | Eric Todd Seeleman |
Yea Jin Lee | Lauren Michelle Sharon |
Clayton Robert Leonard | Daniel Calvert Shelverton |
Nicole Elyse List | Joanne S.C. Sheng |
Shirley Shiyi Lou | Samson Shigeru Shigetomi II |
Rachel Nichole Love | Christopher Michael Simon |
Jacob Kalei Lowenthal | Kainui Michael Smith |
Adam Daniel Mackie | Christopher Paul St. Sure |
Elika Otoya Stimpson | Christin Denise Wehrsig |
Melissa Ann Summers-Day | Michelle Janae Wells |
Denise Hsu Sze | Trisha China White |
Bryan Mun Wai Tanaka | Maegan Arlene Wilber |
Grant Tuck Sun Teichman | Lisa Monica Winebarger |
Christine Ayumi Terada | Jeffrey Julian Wolfenbarger |
Puananionaona Patria Thoene | Derrick Yan Kit Wong |
Jordyn Suet Ha Toba | Edward Ho Hei Wong |
Sally Ann Tobin | Teri Mahealani Wright |
Brian David Tongg | David Lawrence Yarber |
Ian Takeshi Tsuda | Shannon Katherine Yarber |
Miya Noelani Tsukazaki | Jessica M Yen |
Andrea Kato Ushijima | Constance Masako Yonashiro |
Carolyn Marie Voulgaridis | Matthew Kenji Yoshida |
Wayne Russel Wagner | Aaron Michael Young |
Douglas Eugene Wance | Jamie Christine Young |
Randall Masao Gong Wat |
Each applicant is reminded that, until he or she has met all other requirements as set forth in RSCH Rule 1.3, and has been admitted to practice law by the Supreme Court of Hawaii, that applicant may not engage in the practice of law in this jurisdiction.
DATED: Honolulu, Hawai'i, October 2, 2013.
By: Rochelle R. Hasuko
Its Secretary