Motion for access to sealed record granted
Petitioner's “Motion to Allow Counsel to Inspect and Copy Sealed and Confidential Documents in the Record on Appeal,” filed on March 27, 2018, is granted in part and denied without prejudice in part as follows. Counsel for petitioner, the Habeas Corpus Resource Center, is granted access to the following materials in the record of People v. Bryan Maurice Jones, No. S217284: (1) Volumes 1 and 2 of the Reporter's Transcript, “Sealed PC 987.9 Hearings”; (2) Volume 10 of the Reporter's Transcript, pages 689-698; and (3) Volume 12 of the Reporter's Transcript, pages 712-715. Counsel must supply the personnel and equipment necessary to undertake the review and copying of the records, which must occur on the court's premises. Counsel must not release or cause to be released any of the sealed or confidential material or any of the information contained therein to anyone other than counsel's agents without a prior order of this court. In all other respects the motion is denied without prejudice to the filing of a renewed motion that specifically addresses petitioner's entitlement to any other sealed documents in the record on appeal.