Appellate case number: 01-16-00104-CV
In the Interest of J.J.G., L.K.G., H.A.G., and A.G.G
ORDER ON MOTION FOR REHEARING OF COURT'S ORDER GRANTING EN BANC RECONSIDERATION Trial court case number: 2014-00610J Trial court: 313th District Court of Harris County Party filing motion: J.R.G., appellant
It is ordered that the motion for rehearing is [×] DENIED [ ] GRANTED. Judge's signature: /s/ Evelyn v. Keyes
[ ] Acting Individually [×] Acting for the Court The en banc court consists of: Chief Justice Radack and Justices Jennings, Keyes, Higley, Bland, Massengale, Brown, Lloyd, and Caughey. Justice Jennings voted to grant the motion for the reasons expressed in his dissenting opinion. Date: November 14, 2017