No. 4 JD 14
In Re: Robert Jennings, III Magisterial District Judge Magisterial District Court 12-2-04 Dauphin County
Heidi F. Eakin Costopoulos, Foster and Fields 831 Market Street Lemoyne, PA 17043 Supreme Court #43893 717-761-2121 Counsel for Robert Jennings, III
AND NOW , this 25th day of October, 2018, comes the respondent by his counsel, Heidi F. Eakin, Costopoulos, Foster and Fields, and respectfully files this proposed witness list for sanctions hearing pursuant to the August 2, 2018 Order of Court:
Respondent may call some of the following Character Witness' at his Sanctions Hearing:
1. Brian Jackson, Dauphin County CID.
2. Stanley Green, 1813 Clayton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17109
3. Robin Williams, 4510 Londonderry Road, Harrisburg, PA 17109
4. Charles Clark, 106 Wood Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109
5. Bryan Wade, 2729 Green Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110
6. Rev. Dr. Gladys Sigue, 257 Cumberland Streeet, Harrisburg, PA 17103
7. Derrick James, 643 Winding Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17110
8. Pierre Ritter, 2712 Green Wood Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
9. Brian Humphrey, 27 A. W. Summit, Harrisburg, PA 17103
10. Aaron K. Johnson, PO Box 1541, Harrisburg, PA 17105-1541
11. Yolanda Heart, 6490 Terrace Court, Harrisburg, PA 17110
12. John O'Connnor, Dauphin County CID.
13. Judy Ritter Dixon, 528 South Duke Street, York, PA 17403
Respondent reserves the right to supplement this witness list.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi F. Eakin
Costopoulos, Foster and Fields
831 Market Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Supreme Court #43893
Counsel for Robert Jennings, III 10-25-2018 Proof of Service
In compliance with Rule 122(D) of the Court of Judicial Discipline Rule of Procedure, on or about October 25, 2018, a copy of the Proposed Witness List For Sanctions Heaging was hand delivered to the following:
Court of Judicial Discipline
Pennsylvania Judicial Center
601 Commonwealth Avenue.
Harrisburg, PA 17106
James Kleman
Deputy Counsel
Judicial Conduct Board
601 Commonwealth Avenue.
Harrisburg, PA 17106
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi F. Eakin
Costopoulos, Foster & Fields
831 Market Street
Lemoyne, Pennsylvania 17403-0222
Sup. Ct. #43893
(717) 761-2121
Cell: 717-602-0581
Supreme Ct. ID 43893
Counsel for Robert Jennings, III