Case No: 18-41862
Eric Ashman (0077386) Attorney for Debtor 26 Market St, Ste 1001 Youngstown, OH 44503 (330) 746-7427
Chapter 13
AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Now comes the Debtor by and through counsel, to certify that the Chapter 13 Plan has been served upon the following by mailing a copy by certified U.S. mail on the 5th day of March, 2019.
DBS Financial
2823 Gilchrist Road
Akron, OH 44305
Statutory Agent:
Samuel Snellenberger II
2823 Gilchrist Road
Akron, OH 44305
/s/ Eric Ashman
Eric Ashman (0077386)
Attorney for Debtor
26 Market St, Ste 1001
Youngstown, OH 44503
(330) 746-7427