RE: Hurricane Helene and the Computation of Time- Extension of Prior Orders
John W. Kittredge C.J.
On September 30, 2024 and October 1, 2024, this Court issued Orders pursuant to Rule 611 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules, (SCACR) declaring filing "holidays" for Friday September 2; and Monday September 30 through Friday October 4, 2024, based on issues caused by Hurricane Helene.
While much of the state is recovering from flooding and wind damage, and power has been restored to many South Carolina cities and counties, a significant number of lawyers remain without power and internet access. We find these problems continue to adversely affect the ability of many lawyers and litigants to comply with filing and service deadlines in various courts.
Accordingly, we declare Monday October 7, 2024 to Wednesday October 9, 2024 to be additional statewide filing "holidays" for the purpose of computing time under Rule 263 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules; Rule 6 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 35 of the South Carolina Rules of Criminal Procedure; and Rule 3 of the South Carolina Rules of Magistrates Court.
While it does not currently appear that any further extensions will be necessary, Supreme Court will evaluate conditions to determine whether the filing holidays declared in this order should be further extended. A copy of this order shall be provided to the Chairs of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees in accordance with Rule 611, SCACR.
John Cannon Few J., George C. James, Jr. D. Garrison Hill Letitia H. Verdin