Ex parte Mary Jane Downing. PETITON FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS (In re: Halcyon Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., et al.)
, J.
(Montgomery Circuit Court: CV-10-900400; Civil Appeals : 2100663).
Writ Denied. No Opinion.
Circuit Judge, Eugene W. Reese, (334) 832-1360
Pet. Atty., Jerry M. Blevins, (334) 262-7600
Resp. Atty., J Knox Argo, (334) 279-0088
Resp. Atty., Bethany L. Bolger, (334) 206-3100
Resp. Atty., Ronald Gregg Davenport, (334) 206-3275
Resp. Atty., Nicholas Cole Hughes, (334) 279-0088
Resp. Atty., Jeffrey Smith, (334) 834-5290