RE: Greenwood County Veterans Treatment Court Program
Donald W. Beatty Chief Justice
I FIND the South Carolina Legislature, recognizing the need for and benefits of a Veterans Treatment Court Program, enacted the Veterans Treatment Court Program Act on June 10, 2014, which establishes a diversionary program to be administered by circuit solicitors. Veterans Treatment Court programs are intended to divert qualifying nonviolent military veteran offenders away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate treatment programs.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article V, Section 4 of the South Carolina Constitution, IT IS ORDERED that the Greenwood County Veterans Treatment Court Program, which was originally established as part of the Eighth Circuit Adult Drug Court Program, shall now operate as a separate diversionary program.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Honorable Travis W. Moore, Probate Judge for Greenwood County, may preside over the Greenwood County Veterans Treatment Court Program. Pursuant to this assignment, Judge Moore may impose sanctions for violation of the conditions of the Greenwood County Veterans Treatment Court Program. Sanctions may include public service work, additional treatment, or termination of participation in the Greenwood County Veterans Treatment Court Program.
This order takes effect immediately and remains in effect unless amended or rescinded by the Chief Justice.