Docket Number: 2:10CR00471-01.
April 19, 2011
Your Honor:
Per agreement with both counsel, it is respectfully requested that the above-referenced case be continued from May 20, 2011 to July 29, 2011 at 10 a.m.. (See attached amended Schedule for Disclosure.)
REASON FOR CONTINUANCE: The probation officer has not yet interviewed the defendant, as Mr. Graveline's counsel is traveling from San Jose, which has made scheduling difficult.
By copy of this memorandum, the Court Clerk is being requested to make appropriate changes in the Court calendar.
CASEY HORNER, SR. Senior United States Probation Officer REVIEWED BY: LINDA L. ALGER Supervising United States Probation Officer Approved Disapproved
Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________________ Dated: April 5, 2011 Sacramento, California CKH:mc Attachment cc: Clerk, United States District Court United States Attorney's Office United States Marshal's Office Federal Defender (If defense counsel is court-appointed) Probation Office Calendar clerk _____ _____