Letter sent to Governor with the recommendation required by article V, section 8 of the California Constitution for the Governor to grant a pardon
December 21, 2018
The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
Governor, State of California
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: Robert Glass
Legal Affairs File No.: COM-3294-17
Case Number: S251908
Executive Clemency Number: 1163
Dear Governor Brown:
On the application of Robert Glass for commutation of sentence, the court, with at least 4 judges concurring, hereby makes the recommendation required by Article V, section 8 of the California Constitution for the Governor to grant a commutation of sentence. Pursuant to the justices' determination that, now and hereafter, any such communication to you should note the contrary vote of any justice who elects to have that contrary vote noted, please be advised that Justices Chin and Corrigan voted to decline to make the recommendation required by Article V, section 8 of the California Constitution.
Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye