No. 13 JD 15
IN RE: J. Michael Eakin Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
AND NOW, this 15th day of January, 2016, the following Order is entered.
The terms of this Order apply to the conduct of the Pre-Trial Conference scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. on January 21, 2016, in Commonwealth Court Courtroom 5001, at the Pennsylvania Judicial Center, Harrisburg.
The provisions noted as "Mandatory" shall be applied by the Courts of this Commonwealth and enforced accordingly by its officers and agents. The provisions noted as "Informational" are intended to provide meaningful structure and guidance to those attending the pre-trial conference.
1. Reporters and members of the news media will be admitted to Commonwealth Court Courtroom 5001 at 1:00 p.m. No one will be admitted to Courtroom 5001 after 1:15 p.m., except as otherwise authorized by the Court.
2. No one will be permitted to take food or beverages into Courtroom 5001.
3. Everyone must be seated before the pre-trial conference begins. Those seated in Courtroom 5001 are expected to remain in their seats until the Court either calls a recess or until the conference has ended.
4. No person, except those immediately involved in the proceedings, will be permitted beyond the bar of the Court.
5. No one except the parties or their representatives have standing to address the court or speak during the time that court is in session. Should anyone violate this Order, they will immediately be removed from the Courtroom without further notice.
6. Reporters will be permitted to use laptops in Courtroom 5001, but solely for the purpose of note taking.
7. No photography, videography or recording device of any type may be used anywhere in the Courtroom.
8. Those persons attending may carry cell phones or similar devices into the Courtroom; however, any such device must be turned off (not merely set to vibrate mode) and out of sight at all times. Transmission from or recording by those devices is prohibited.
9. Use of the internet or telephone service for transmitting in any way from Courtroom 5001 is prohibited. No electronic transmission, video recording, sound recording, or any other electronic duplication of the proceedings of any type is permitted in Courtroom 5001.
10. No news media interviews whatsoever shall be conducted in Courtroom 5001 or the immediate vicinity of Courtroom 5001.
11. Any person who violates the provisions of this order regarding the use of electronic devices will be subject to the penalties for contempt of court (including
fines or summary incarceration) under any applicable statute, order, or rule of court.
12. The Capitol Police, in consultation with the Court, shall have the authority to make such reasonable rules and regulations as may be required to provide adequate security intended to assure the safety of all those in the courtroom and in the Judicial Center and the orderly conduct of the conference.
13. Parking is available near the Judicial Center. Those persons attending the conference should allow ample time to find parking and make their way to the Judicial Center.
14. All media inquiries should be directed to Stephanie Stump, Deputy Clerk of Court, Court of Judicial Discipline.
Office: (717) 772-3771
Jack A. Panella
Conference Judge