Plaintiff is the mother of M.W., who was born in September 2007, and D.J. who was born in April 2004. M.W.'s involvement with DCFS arose from his half brother D.J.'s adjudication of abuse and neglect. See In re D.J., No. 1-05-3815 (Apr.21, 2006) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23). In June 2005, a caller to the DCFS hotline reported scratches and bruises to D.J.'s body and that his toenails were discolored. A DCFS investigator visited D.J., who was living with plaintiff and her boyfriend, Shawn Patterson. During the visit, the DCFS investigator observed that D.J. had a healing scar on his forehead, discolored and infected toes, and slightly pink buttocks.
Respondent Lori B. is the mother of D.J., who was born in April 2004, and M.W., who was born in September 2007. Respondent Darrion W. is the father of M.W. This appeal concerns the adjudication and disposition only of M.W. However, because M.W.'s involvement with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) arose from his half brother D.J.'s adjudication of abuse and neglect, we briefly summarize that matter. See also In re D.J., No. 1-05-3815 (April 21, 2006) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23). A. The Neglect and Abuse of D.J.