Motion No. 2023-06561 Docket No. D-4183-2023
In the Matter of Dani A. (Anonymous), appellant.
Unpublished Opinion
Appeal by Dani A. from an order of the Family Court, Nassau County, dated July 11, 2023. The transcript of proceedings which occurred on June 13, 2023, in the morning, have been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court. Pursuant to § 670.3(b) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.3[b]), it is
ORDERED that within 30 days after the date of this scheduling order, the appellant shall file in the office of the Clerk of this Court an affidavit or affirmation stating that there are no additional minutes of the Family Court proceedings to be transcribed for the appeal, or, if there are such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript has been received, and indicating the date that it was received, or, if the transcript has not been received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that it has been ordered and paid for, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript is expected; and it is further, ORDERED that if none of the actions described in the foregoing paragraph has been taken within 30 days of the date of this scheduling order, the Clerk of this Court shall issue an order to all parties to the appeal to show cause why the appeal should or should not be dismissed.